Was God Deceitful?
It has been a very busy last four or five days and I haven’t really written anything, but the wheels have been turning. Last week, I posted a very rough cut ‘n’ paste picture dealing with some thoughts...
View ArticleSunday School, P.16 Apostle Paul, p.1 Schizophrenic? Misunderstood?
Today, we began a slightly different series at Lexington Baptist Church where I have been guest teaching. Up to this point we have been examining Yeshua in the Tanakh and considering some of the...
View ArticleSunday School, P18, Paul, Lying Schizophrenic or Misunderstood? P3
This week at Lexington Baptist Church Sunday school, we continued our pursuit of a proper understanding of the Apostle Paul as we further examined what he DID and his testimony of himself before...
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